Monday, 4 February 2019

February Update

Wow! What a busy month January has been! February is finally here! Below, you will find a class calendar for February. You will also be able to find this calendar in the Google Classroom.

Please keep reading below for a quick summary of what we will be working on in February!


We will be working on two short mini-units on patterning and algebra. We began patterning last week, and students have done very well grasping concepts taught thus far! We have been working on looking at the pattern rule, explicit pattern rule, as well as extending and creating geometric patterns using algebra tiles and position cards. Students have used the explicit pattern rule to find the value of any term in multiplicative and composite patterns. There were be 2 short quizzes on these concepts this month. A practice quiz has been posted in the Google Classroom for anyone who wishes to use it. It is not mandatory. On Friday, we will begin a short mini-unit on algebra. Students will be looking at expressions, equations and variables. A short practice quiz is posted for algebra as well. Once we are finished with patterning and algebra, we will begin our unit on ratios.

Practice Quizzes


A major focus for our class in reading this month will be to read short texts and answer questions using specific examples from the text to justify our answers. One method we will use as a class is to use highlighters and highlight exactly what the question is asking. In the same colour of highlighter, we will look through the text and highlight evidence from the text that answers exactly what they question is asking for. We will then incorporate the specific proof from the text using the Answer Sandwich format. This will allow us to ensure that we are answering the question being asked and provide proof to support our answers.

This model provides a nice easy-to-follow formula for writing paragraphs: top bun (topic sentence), three toppings (important details), three kinds of sauce (specific examples from the text to support each detail), and finally the bottom bun (concluding sentence). This method has been very effective at improving overall writing in our classroom. We continue to work on editing for CUPS (capitals, understanding, punctuation, spelling).

In writing, students will also begin to research a person of their choosing who has made the world a better place. They will use their research notes to write the biography of their chosen person. The biography writing will continue throughout March as well.

In media literacy, we will continue our study of the Kindness Diaries. So far we have met an incredible person, Leon Logothetis, who has given up his career in finance and comfortable lifestyle to travel the world relying only on the kindness of strangers. Not only does he accept acts of kindness from strangers, but he also chooses people to receive his life-changing gifts of kindness. So far, we have tracked Leon’s journey around the world beginning at his home in Hollywood, California. Each week we have enjoyed a new part of Leon’s adventure! We have learned valuable lessons in caring, happiness, geography and culture. Thank you Leon!


In science, we are finishing up our unit on biodiversity. We have classified living things, examined the 5 kingdoms, animal groups and plant groups. Students worked on independent research projects on the biomes of their choosing and presented their findings using google slides. We have learned about the alpine, tundra, desert, savanna, tropical rainforest, temperate forest, boreal forest, ocean, and wetlands biomes. Next, we will talk about invasive species and the human impact on biodiversity. After we complete our biodiversity unit, we will move on to space.

Social Studies

We have just finished our unit on Heritage & Identity: Communities in Canada Past and Present. We examined the experiences of many different immigrant groups as they integrated into Canadian society. Next, we will look at Canada’s relationships with the global community.


We will continue with our volleyball unit. When this is complete we will move on to basketball.

February will be a very busy but fun month! We will begin many new units with the start of term 2.
Thanks again for all of your continued support!

Mrs. Hodgins

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